Unit 2
The teachers correct the students' work.老師批改同學的作業。
They use a red pen to correct the students' work. 他們使用紅筆來批改學生的作業。
The students wash their hands.學生們洗手。
They wash their hands with soap.他們用肥皂洗手。
The students look at different constellations on their iPads.學生在 iPad 上觀察不同的星座。
They learn about constellations in science class. 他們在科學課上學習星座。
The students practice the flute in class.學生在課堂上練習長笛。
They play the flute together in music class.他們在音樂課一起吹長笛。
Pottery wheel is used to create useful objects.陶輪用於製造有用的物品。
Cups and vases are made using a pottery wheel.杯子和花瓶是用陶輪製成的
The students practice archery, using bows to shoot arrows at targets.學生們練習射箭,用弓把箭射向目標。
The goal of archery is to hit your target with an arrow. 學生們練習射箭,用弓把箭射向目標。
The teacher leads the students in their martial arts lesson.老師在武術課中帶領學生做動作。
The students practice different martial arts moves.學生們練習不同武術的招式。